Die selflewe, die ‘eie ek’, die mens onafhanklik van
Christus is bankrot. Laat dit staan en
laat dit gaan. Moenie daarvoor hoop
koester of enige planne maak om dit te laat opstaan uit die dode in 2014
nie. Ons seën lê net op een plek, in een
Persoon, Christus! Die Vader het geen
ander plan vir jou en jou geliefdes nie.
Christus is ons enigste hoop. Hý
is ons seën. Hy alleen. Die antwoorde vir jou lewe, probleme, en die
onverklaarbare tammeletjies van jou bestaan hier op aarde lê nie op ander
plekke nie. Dit is alles net in
Hom. Hy is ons lewe, hoop, geregtigheid,
sterkte, wysheid, heil, verlossing, krag, en toekoms. Kom ons fokus ons aandag dan nou opnuut weer
op Hom. Plaas albei jou oë op Hom en
begeer met alles in jou ‘n immer toenemende openbaring van Hom en jou eenheid
met Hom. Dit is die enigste weg tot ‘n
super-geseënde nuwe jaar. Mag die Vader
se aangesig in 2014 skyn oor jou en jou geliefdes, in Sy Seun.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Friday, 20 December 2013
generasie van gelowiges word deur die multimedia blootgestel aan honderde
boodskappe en advertensies wat sonder ophou vir ons vertel hoe ons die hier-en-nou
van ons lewens kan verbeter deur ‘n nimmereindigende stroom van produkte. Daar staan ook altyd nog ‘n motiveringspreker
gereed om ons gedagtes in te spuit met positiwiteit wat kwansuis ‘n beter lewe hier
op aarde sal waarborg. Die gevolg is dat
ons fokus so maklik wegskuif van die ewigheid saam met God; wat volgens die
Nuwe Testament een van ons grootste motiverings moet wees vir hoe ons in die
hede dink en leef. In 1 Thessalonicense
4 vers 18 sê Paulus ons moet in tye van swaarkry en met die afsterwe van
geliefdes mekaar herinner daaraan dat ons “altyd by die Here” gaan wees. Hierdie woorde kan egter net betekenisvol gegee
en ontvang word binne ‘n Christelike kultuur en klimaat wat ‘n bewussyn van die
ewigheid kweek. Het ons so ‘n kultuur,
of is ons bewussyn aardsgebonde soos die wêreld s’n?
wat nie eens weet wat môre sal gebeur nie. Want hoedanig is julle lewe? Dit is
tog maar ‘n damp wat vir ‘n kort tydjie verskyn en daarna verdwyn.” Jak. 4:14
sal ons wat in die lewe oorbly, saam met hulle in wolke weggevoer word die Here
tegemoet in die lug; en so sal ons altyd by die Here wees. Bemoedig mekaar dan met hierdie woorde.” 1 Thes. 4:17-18
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Daar is ‘n radikale verskil tussen veroordeling en
oortuiging. Die Heilige Gees oortuig ons
om ons by bekering en hartsverandering te bring in spesifieke areas van ons
wandel met Jesus. Godsdientige
veroordeling maak mense gewoonlik of hard en wetties; of dit maak hulle
moedeloos en laat hulle opgee. Die
oortuiging van die Heilige Gees is genesend en opbouend en as ons Sy stem gehoorsaam
maak dit ons vry en gee ons moed om aan te gaan na dieper dieptes en hoër
hoogtes in Jesus. Hierdie is geen
verskoning vir ‘n trivialisering van sonde nie, maar miskien ken jy meestal net
die veroordeling van die godsdiens. Dan
het ek goeie nuus vir jou. Die
oortuigende stem van die Gees wil jou sonder veroordeling in kontak bring met
die ware kondisie van jou hart en jou dan lei na ‘n heerlike vryheid in
Christus. Glo dit. Dis waar!
Thursday, 21 November 2013
“Maar ek sê:
Wandel deur die Gees, dan sal julle nooit die begeerlikheid van die vlees
volbring nie.” Gal. 5:16
“ Want julle het
gesterwe, en julle lewe is saam met Christus verborge in God.” Kol. 3:3
groot fout wat ons maak as dissipels van Jesus is om te dink ons moet eers
hierdie Gees dimensie binnegaan voordat ons kan wandel deur die Gees.
Daarom voel ‘n konstante wandel deur die Gees vir baie so onbereikbaar en so
ver verwyderd van hulle daaglikse lewe hier op “terra firma”. Die
waarheid is dat alle wedergebore mense reeds gesterf en opgestaan het saam met
Christus en daarom is hulle lewe nou “saam met Christus verborge in God”.
Dit is dus nie ‘n dimensie wat ons moet binnegaan of ‘n mylpaal wat ons moet
bereik nie, maar ‘n dimensie waaruit ons moet leer leef in geloof.
Christus leef hier en nou binne-in ons en ons moet dit glo en Hom sodoende
ruimte gee om Sy lewe deur ons te leef.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Sunday, 3 November 2013
One of the most scary existential realities in our fallen world is
that whatever we possess will possess us. We are only really free when GOD
ALONE is in full possession of EVERYTHING in us and in our lives.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Dissipels van Jesus is vandag blootgestel deur die
multimedia aan soveel verskillende bedieninge en bedienaars. Hoe gemaak om te onderskei en die egte te
identifiseer? Daar is verskeie faktore
wat in ag geneem moet word, maar hier is ‘n eenvoudige reël wat die basiese
fondasie van alle ware Nuwe Testamentiese bediening ondervang: “Ware bediening wys altyd weg van onsself en
skuif die fokus op Jesus.” Natuurlik
moet ons lewens en karakter Jesus openbaar, maar die fokus moet nie ons en ons
wonderlike gawes en wye invloed wees nie.
Eerder Jesus en Sy kosbare Persoon en bediening. Johannes die Doper en die apostel Paulus is
twee skitterende voorbeelde van hierdie benadering.
Jn. 1:29 Die volgende dag sien Johannes Jesus na hom
toe kom, en hy sê: Dáár is die Lam van God wat die sonde van die wêreld
Jn. 3:30 Hy moet meer word, maar ek minder.
2 Kor. 4:5 Want ons verkondig nie onsself nie, maar
Christus Jesus as Here, en onsself as julle diensknegte om Jesus wil.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Heb. 8:11 And
they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying,
'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know
me, from the least of them to the greatest.
Col. 3:16 Let
the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
teaching and admonishing one another
in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness
in your hearts to God.
Gal 4:19 My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!
though there is definite continuity between the old and the new covenant they
are also radically different in many ways.
If we fail to seriously consider the unique characteristics of this New
Covenant and its implications for church life we may tragically end up with a
souped up version of the old and something way beneath what God has in mind for
us. Under the old covenant believers
were in a sense like cars without engines.
The Spirit came upon certain individuals and worked through especially
kings, prophets and priests in order to make God’s will known to His people and
to govern them accordingly. There were
many external ordinances, traditions, feasts, rules, and regulations to keep
these ‘engineless cars’ moving in the right direction. God’s Spirit influenced the hearts of
believers from without and especially through the priesthood and their external
system of religion. That covenant failed
dismally. But we have a better
covenant! God now lives within every believer and it is absolutely
crucial for every believer to be made aware of it (Gal. 2:20)! ‘And I will put my Spirit within you, and make you eager to obey My laws and teachings’ (Ezek. 36:27).
most important function of New Testament leadership by far is the unlocking of
the life and power of Christ within the believer. According to the New Testament this is
done primarily in three ways. Firstly, by preaching and teaching the Word of
God in such a way that believers will see and understand the reality of Christ
in them as their true identity, life, wisdom and power (1 Cor. 1:28-31, 4:1). Secondly, by praying and interceding for
believers that they would receive a revelation of this reality (Col. 1:25-29;
4:12). Acts 6 verse 4 clearly delineates the primary
functions of New Testament leadership in terms of these first two points. “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word."
And thirdly, by teaching them by both word and example that the life of
Christ within them can only be manifested and realised via the death-resurrection
route (2 Cor. 4:7, 12:10). It is in
denying and laying down our independent and self-centered life, that we find
our life in union with Christ. The godly
example of leaders is absolutely crucial in this regard. Yet, the example without the teaching and
personal revelation in the heart of every believer will never take us over the finishing line as a victorious church. If I only give
believers a godly example and ask them to ‘follow me as I follow Christ’, without
revealing the secret to that victorious life I am setting believers an
impossible task. This can only lead to
frustration and ultimately burnout.
the light of these facts we need to ask ourselves some hard questions? May we
ignore God’s revealed way of discipling believers and devise our own ways to do
this? May we, for example, just bypass the
need for every believer to see for himself the realities of the New Covenant in the Word of God? Is there any
substitute for this? Is it possible to
get believers to maturity and effectively mobilise them for sustained
servanthood in the church without their personal grasp of the Word of Christ
and a personal revelation of their new identity in union with Christ? If we cannot respond with an unequivocal no to
these questions, then we are no longer evangelical leaders, but Roman Catholic
priests. Then we may just as well adopt their whole system, for they have
perfected it and have much more ‘success’ than Protestants with that methodology
of external motivation via systems of en masse behaviour modification. How do you compete with a unified “church” of
1.2 billion members? If we ignore or
neglect the essence of the New Covenant and employ other ways and methods to try
and bring believers to maturity in their personal walk and other avenues to bring
them to unity and their destiny as a body of believers, we are in effect busy
using up tons of energy to push engineless cars. The outcome of this approach is
predictable. We will eventually run out
of steam and momentum and out of new ideas to get these ‘cars’ moving in the
right direction. We will run out of
capable and energetic leaders who are willing to push ‘engineless cars’ up
hills year in and year out, because we do not fire up the engine within people. We will end up like hundreds of churches and
church growth movements over the last few decades in the West; tired and
in the church of Jesus Christ is meant to represent Him, never to replace
Him. Every believer must be led to
increasingly take personal responsibility for an intimate relationship with
Jesus. The New Covenant may never be
veiled by a kind of ‘priesthood’ that again makes any leader or team of leaders
a mediator between God and man. There is
only ‘…one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ (1 Tim. 2:5).
Leaders are not the external engine of the church trying to push it to
its destiny. Jesus is the internal
engine of the church and every single believer; and leaders should preach,
teach, live and unveil this reality with an unswerving confidence in the
radical nature of the New Covenant. Jesus,
the great Leader, Prophet, Priest, and King now lives within every believer! “For
Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to
Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of
God (1 Cor. 1:22-24).”
PRAYER: “Dear heavenly Father, please
grant us a fresh revelation of the power of the Gospel and restore our
confidence in this precious Gospel so that we may turn from our confidence in
so many other ways and methodologies and turn back to the tried and tested apostolic
Matthew 23:8 But
you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all
Matthew 28:19 Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe
all that I have commanded you.
Leaders are
not the centre of the church, Christ is, and leaders are meant to facilitate
this reality. Leaders are supposed to lift up Christ by a consistent
gospel proclamation and a focused equipping of the saints. When Jesus
came to this earth he changed everything, including mankind’s way of looking at
leadership. The renewal of our minds (Rom. 12:2) is supposed to include
the way we look at leadership. Leaders must, as it were, send out the
gospel in front of them so that Jesus may be seen, as they remain in His shadow
as servants of the saints and the church (1 Cor. 4:1). It is completely
consistent with the New Testament to say that leaders are meant to lead ‘in the
shadow of Jesus’. The moment a leader or leaders step out of that shadow
they step into the light and press Jesus into their shadow. This is a
travesty and a shame. Consider a very significant fact that has received
little attention in church history. In every single instance that Paul
wrote a letter to a church he addressed it to the whole church and not to a
leader or leaders. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus were written to apostolic
co-workers, not to churches. This is even more striking when we consider
the fact that almost every one of those churches were experiencing crises at
the time of Paul’s writing and yet he did not address his letters to the
elders. When he wrote the Philippians he starts his letter by saying ‘to all the
saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi ,
with the overseers and deacons’. Note that he did not say and the
overseers and deacons, but the saints with the overseers and
deacons. This is highly significant and it indicates that a local church
is comprised of one group, saints with elders and deacons, not three
groups. Jesus said in Matthew 23:8 ‘One is your Teacher, and you are all
brothers’. Yes, there are teachers and leaders in the church, but they
must serve as fellow brothers who teach and lead in the shadow of Jesus, the
true Teacher and Leader. Furthermore, elders are under-shepherds and
Jesus alone the ‘Chief Shepherd’ (1 Pet. 5:2-4). The shepherds in a local
church should never view themselves as ‘above the sheep’. They themselves
are sheep in the fold of the Good Shepherd (Jn. 10:11, 16), albeit sheep that
lead other sheep by following closely behind the Shepherd.
we have to radically alter our ecclesiastical approach from merely teaching
people, to making disciples of them. The priesthood of all believers means
precious little if we do not actively pursue this as our main mandate (Mt. 28v19 ).
We have to make it our single aim to train every single disciple to love and
study the Word, to be a self-feeder, to demonstrate the Word by transformed
living, and to share the Word with others in this same way, i.e. teaching them
to be disciples! We have to move from giving people fish to teaching them
how to fish and how to teach others to fish. We have to hand the church back to
the saint. The church does not belong to leadership and saints are not meant to
'remain ignorant so that the leaders can be perpetual feeders'. Vision is not
the sole prerogative of leaders, it is meant for every single member of the
Body of Christ. Read Ephesians and Colossians and note Paul’s prayers for
the saints if you doubt this. The letters of the New Testament
were primarily written to saints, not leaders. New Testament leadership
is radically Christ-centered and utterly member-aimed (see Mt.
23:8-12)! It aims consistently and persistently to attach saints to
Christ as their ultimate leader and to equip saints to be disciple makers. It
is time for us to stop paying lip service to the belief in the priesthood of
all believers and begin to actually apply it in the practical life of our
churches! This is a mega paradigm shift in the context of current church
practice and it is urgently needed in the church. God's plan is simple and
meant to be utterly pervasive; every member equipped, every member
in the Word, every member radically Christ-centered and animated by the
gospel and every member a disciple maker. Unless we have this specific
aim, we are missing it completely and wasting precious time, even with all our
church programs, meetings, committees, training courses, etcetera ad nauseam!
Maar ek vrees dat, net soos die slang Eva
deur sy listigheid bedrieg het, julle sinne so miskien bedorwe kan raak,
vervreemd van die opregtheid teenoor Christus. 2 Korinthiërs 11:3
Maar ek is bang dat julle gedagtes weggelei
sal word van die onverdeelde en suiwere toewyding aan Christus, net soos Eva
verlei is deur die listigheid van die slang. 2 Korinthiërs 11:3 (NAV)
Daar is vandag soveel
Christelike bedieninge waaraan gelowiges deur die media blootgestel word en
baie van hulle maak groot uitsprake oor die impak wat hulle het en gaan hê;
wêreldwye invloed, profesieë oor herlewing, ensovoorts, ensovoorts.
Verder word persoonlike
profesieë dikwels die somtotaal van gelowiges se geestelike lewe en verwagting
en bou hulle alles rondom sulke “woorde” van ander. Hoe moet die dissipel
van Jesus homself posisioneer ten opsigte van al hierdie dinge? Daar is
sekerlik ‘n tyd en ‘n plek vir sekere van hierdie dinge, maar God het vir ons
‘n vaste anker gegee in Christus en dit bring stewige grond onder ons voete en
‘n fondasie waarop ons kan bou.
Maak seker dat jou fokus op
Christus alleen is as die Een in wie jy volkome is (Kol. 2:10), en dat jy
vanuit ‘n ‘’Eerste Liefde’’ verhouding met Hom in gehoorsaamheid leef in jou
daaglikse lewe. Ons moet maar gereeld in gedeeltes soos die
bergpredikasie (Mt. 5-7) gaan kyk en seker maak of ons werklik leef vanuit
Christus in ons, want dit is net Sy lewe in ons wat so 'n koninkrykslewe op
aarde moontlik maak. Dit hou ons nederig en help ons ook om verby die
uiterlike en die oorvloed van woorde te kyk en duidelik te onderskei in die tyd
van “information overload” waarin ons leef.
In 1 Kor. 4:20 sê Paulus
“die koninkryk van God bestaan nie in woorde nie, maar in krag.” Die krag
waarvan Paulus hier praat is die krag om ‘n heilige lewe te leef wat vir God
welbehaaglik is; die krag van Christus in ons. Die primêre verskil tussen
die ou en nuwe verbond is dat ons nou “onder die wet van Christus” is, omdat Hy
in ons leef. In verhouding met Hom is daar ‘n toenemende
geloofsgehoorsaamheid in ons lewens wat Christus se karakter deur ons openbaar.
Die eenvoud is te vinde in
Jesus wat vir ons alles geword het (1 Kor. 1:30). Nie my lewe wat verbeter moet word nie, maar
Sý lewe in en deur my soos wat ek my lewe neerlê om plek te maak vir Syne.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Silence in our spirit
It is only when we cease our activity and begin to ignore all the noise in our soul that we can ever know in our spirit and there begin to hear God. God says: "Be STILL and KNOW that I am God."
Perfection of Beauty
The fall of man caused his eyes to be riveted upon himself. It is only the power of the cross and the beauty of the Son that can tear our eyes away from the fatal gaze on the self towards Christ, the Perfection of Beauty and the very Source of love.
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